The team created an atelier, studio atmosphere typical of a bar, but at the same time an elegant, respectable and noble interior that would stand a test of time.

We decided to enrich shades and materials, focusing on details and nuances. Each material selected for this project is tactile and visually pleasing - natural stone, wood, glass, fine rich fabrics and metals.

We offered a combination of complex colors and geometry that is fun to explore. Together they form a harmonious and multi-piece composition.

The team suggested a sophisticated adjustable lighting system which illuminates the dignity of the interior. Directional lights help to accent the most unique pieces of the interior while leaving the rest of the space in a pleasant twilight. At the same time, the project also provides bright lighting for special occasions or cleaning.

Elegant, sculptural furniture and a bar counter get along with decorative table lamps as soft wall panels enter into the dialogue with metal inserted behind the sofa.

A restrained embroidery on the wall panels echoes the geometry of the floor together creating a multi-level, sophisticated composition. It is the abundance of soft contrasts that emphasizes the relevance of this interior meanwhile the classic basis and choice of materials - its intellectuality.